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Italdesign Press Conference Geneva Motorshow

Live from: Geneva


07th March 2017


07th March 2017
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Italdesign Press Conference Geneva Motorshow

Live Stream Italdesign Geneva Motorshow 2017

After announcing the launch of the new “Italdesign Automobili Speciali” brand, the Moncalieri-based company presents its first ultra-limited series car with only five units to be built by the end of 2017.

Intended for collectors and visionary enthusiasts, it combines racing car features and performance alongside type-approval for use on normal roads.

Developed around a modular chassis in carbon fibre and aluminium, this special car boasts a powerful naturally aspirated 5.2 litre V10 engine which enables 0-100 km/h acceleration in just 3.2 seconds, together with a top speed in excess of 330 km/h. The bodywork is entirely in carbon fibre. The car measures 4847 millimetres in length by 1970 millimetres in width by 1204 millimetres in height.

“The exterior is characterised by the two sides of the same medal,” said Filippo Perini, Head of Innovation Design : “above the tornado line, outlines are distinctly softer and smoother in keeping with the Italian Gran Turismo tradition. The lower part is modelled from aerodynamics. To achieve the performances we had in mind, we had to dare beyond all limits from styling and even purely technical points of view. The outcome ensures extremely high impact without ever being design for design’s sake”.

Right from the first style draft, the Styling Centre and the Engineering Department implemented what is defined as simultaneous engineering, a work method developed and perfected by Italdesign way back at the end of the 1960s and constantly improved over the company’s fifty-year history.

Designers and engineers work almost simultaneously to carry forward styling solutions and functional-feasibility checks until an ideal compromise is achieved that meets design and performance requirements alike.

“The development of the one-off was based on the know-how achieved in the designing of hundreds of cars in our 49-years history – Italdesign Chief Technical Officer Antonio Casu, said. “To reach the timing target we applied the latest CAx and Simulation Technologies. Styling has been integrated since the very beginning with early engineering and production processes. All this allowed us to produce a state-of-the-art car in terms of performance and safety.”

“We put it our best skills into the production of the first car – Massimo Bovi, Head of Pre- Series Center added – using some of the finest productions methods and engaging our high skilled workers. At the same time we engaged deeply in the latest technologies in electric and electronics. Therefore this first car is showcasing our expertise gained in our history. It is also an invitation to all of our clients to see us in our facility”.

Customers will be able to customise their cars to the utmost thanks to finishing and performance packages.

“Important for us was to run this project based on our development and production process for Ultra Low Series Cars – Massimo Martinotti, Head of Project Management and Business Development, stated. With this and a precise milestone tracking we achieve an outstanding quality and a very short time to market. We think that we can set with this process as a benchmark that we are looking forward to repeating for all current or future OEM customers”.

The world launch of the car signs also a collaboration between Italdesign and Geneva watchmaker Roger Dubuis to create an exclusive eight-piece, proudly Italian collection of the brand’s iconic Excalibur Spider wristwatch.

The car was conceived, designed and built in Italy in the Italdesign factory in Moncalieri (Turin).

Source: Italdesign

Tags:  #Italdesign , # Genf, # Autosalon, # Design, # Audi

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