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".antonio" is a German pop rock band that originated in Frankfurt. The group was formed in 2012 and consists of António (lead vocals, guitar), Christian (bass guitar) and Jan-Philipp (drums, backing vocals). In July 2013, the release of the band's first Single-EP, titled "Lovin' Hope", including a remix by Carl Crinx, led to their first airplay on German and Portuguese radio with lead track "Lovin' Hope". With this foundation they played their first tour through Portugal in August 2013. Only three month later, a documentary about their latest release and first tour was broadcasted on Portuguese TV-channels RTPi and RTP1. In July 2014, the band released their debut album "breathe in, breathe out". Their first album arrested a lot of attention, not at least because of its lead song's appearance on the sampler of "SLAM Alternative Magazin #75" in September 2014 - "Always Remember" was released next to songs of international greats of the scene like Pennywise, In Flames or Twin Atlantic. Between their second tour through Portugal in August 2014 and multiple club shows in Germany, they have been writing new songs for their upcoming EP, which is going to be released in winter 2015.
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whats live? - What's this?

what's live? is the live stream Magazine in the Internet. It has never been easier to find a live stream or to be found - thanks to what's live?. As on the net, there are many great Internet broadcasts that deserve to be seen. It is our mission to provide more clarity and to accumulate the broad offer on one site.
Or you can call it magazine for livestream.
Since: Don't let your live stream remain undiscovered as each and every moment is worth to be shared.
It doesn't matter if you are sharing for, live cam , live radio, live tv, live music, live news, live culture, live car, live sports, live sport events. On whats live? You can find what you are interested in. You will never miss a livestream again. It is like live tv online. If the Deutsche Fußball Bundesliga would show there games an whats live you could watch Bundesliga live on whats live.
You also can find webcasts and live webcasts of small and big events.

whats live? How does it work?

You have a live stream event that you don't want the world to miss?
So, just register on whats live? and thus, inform your potential viewers about the planned Internet broadcast.
Whether culture or sports, science or economy, fußball, soccer, football, sport, cars, auto,: It doesn't matter which kind of event you are planning. Select the category culture, sports, science, economy gaming, music, news that applies to you, describe your event, upload a great picture and integrate your live stream link. And right then, the Internet users can already find your broadcast, live stream, webcast, tv.

The viewers will come over to your site!

whats live? is only an intermediary - similar to a TV magazine pointing to the TV-program. whats live? provides you with the possibility to present your event and to link yourself in the most attractive way. The world will watch the broadcast on your proper website, Microsite, on Facebook, Periscope or wherever your event will be presented.

When can I announce my Internet broadcast, live stream, webcast?

In principle, right from the moment when it is definite under which link the streaming can be found. This may be 10 days or even only three hours before the broadcast livestream, live webcast will start. The longer the promotion for the event, the more viewers will watch your broadcast.
You can also stream live from you PlayStation 4 or you Xbox. Xbox live and PlayStation live is getting more popular.
You don't already have any direct link via which the broadcast can be operated (for example, when you are using Periscope or Meerkat)? Then just deposit e.g. your Twitter account, via which the broadcast will run.
After the end of the broadcast, the description of your event will remain for another 48h on whats live?. Thus, even later on, viewers will come to your site in order to watch a possible recording.
You even have regular broadcasts? Then your own channel will show all visitors what has been and what will come.

Facebook, Twitter & Co. - no problem with whats live?

Make use of the opportunities of distribution in the Internet. Share your event on all your social media channels, facebook, twitter, google+, linked in and let your fans know when the live stream will start.
whats live?, too, is active in the social networks and finally brings together transmitter and receiver. We will post your event via our channels and provide your broadcast with a lot of additional attention.
